Talks > 03-04/02/2015 Harald Servat & Judit Giménez

Understanding applications using the BSC performance tool­suite

The BSC performance tools team develops a performance tool ­suite that helps pointing out the performance bottlenecks that the application experiences. The suite consists of three principal applications: Extrae, Paraver and Dimemas, as well as, additional satellite tools that intelligently extracts / summarises additional information from the captured metrics.

This tutorial will give an introductory tour to the BSC performance tool­ suite for the analysis of parallel applications. The tutorial is aimed to anyone interested in learning the performance issues that applications experience in a (HPC) system, but has not used the BSC performance tools previously. The audience should be familiar with terms like IPC (instructions per cycle), memory hierarchy & caches, work unbalance, as well as, key concepts belonging to the MPI and OpenMP parallel programming paradigms (such as task/rank, thread, message, send/receive, among others).

We plan to divide this tutorial in two parts. First, part serves as a theoretical introduction (i.e. supported by slides) to introduce the different tools that compose the suite. Then, we will demonstrate how to use and the Paraver tool and show its flexibility analysing several aspects from the performance behaviour of one selected application.

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