Talks > 18/05/2023 Felipe Albuquerque Portella

HPC Infrastructure for Energy: Past, Present, and Beyond

Petrobras is one of the world’s leading energy companies. As such, it relies heavily on high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructure for various workloads, ranging from seismic processing to reservoir simulation and, more recently, artificial intelligence. This presentation will provide an overview of Petrobras’ HPC infrastructure history, from its early beginnings in 1969 to the present day. During its early years, Petrobras employed a mix of mainframe computers, RISC machines, and Beowulf clusters to perform its computing tasks. Throughout the years, the company has upgraded its infrastructure, and today it operates several TOP500-ranked supercomputers, including the Pegasus and Dragão systems, which are currently ranked as the 33rd and 65th most powerful supercomputers in the world, respectively. We are already looking toward the future at Petrobras, and this presentation will provide insights into cutting-edge HPC architectures, such as cloud and quantum computing. The presentation will also explore how serverless computing infrastructures could push HPC boundaries for geoscience applications.

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