High-Performance Computing experts are encouraged to submit proposals for Presentations and Tutorials to be given during the conference.

We would like to cover all areas of interest in HPC, AI and Quantum Science. For this reason, we encourage you to submit presentations or tutorials related to these fields.

Proposal Submission

All proposals must be submitted as a single pdf file by 8 April 2024, including:

  1. Contact information
  2. An abstract (maximum 200 word)
  3. Only for tutorials: a detailed description of the tutorial content (maximum 2 pages) containing:
    • Targeted audience
    • Content level (split into beginner, intermediate, advanced)
    • Audience prerequisites
    • Detailed outline (maximum 1 page)

All submissions should be made via email to the address hpckp@hpcnow.com .

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the same email address.

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